• how 'PELIK' one can gets...

    Islam is not under attack: Umno MP
    by Pauline Puah (the sun,11sept)

    KUALA LUMPUR: The use of power and compulsion will not help to resolve controversial religious issues, outspoken Umno parliamentarian Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has said.
    "Power, force and compulsion solve nothing ... You can put them (apostates) in jail. But (as to) the matter of faith and belief, how do you change them?" he asked at a forum organised by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) in conjunction with Malaysian Human Rights Day on Saturday.
    The Kota Baru member of Parliament, who was a speaker at the Article 11 forum on constitutional rights disrupted by a group of 500 protesters in May, started by voicing his concerns over recent developments on religious issues in the country.
    In his speech entitled "Freedom of Religion and the Federal Constitution", he took a swipe at certain quarters, including several Muslim lawyers, who claimed that Islam is under attack.
    "Islam is not under attack. It is your warped minds under attack," he said to a round of applause.
    Citing two high-profile court cases - that of Lina Joy and S. Shamala - Zaid, a lawyer himself, said these cases should be treated merely as legal situations.
    "We can't talk about it because God will punish her (Lina Joy)? What's the problem? She's not a Muslim anymore, so God will punish her surely?
    "But do we play God's role now? How do you know God won't forgive her? How do you know?"
    he asked the silent floor.
    "I thought she just wanted to get her ID (identity card) changed. So let the courts decide it. There is no need to say Islam is under attack," Zaid said, thumping the rostrum.
    Lina Joy, a Muslim who "converted" to Christianity, had appealed to remove the word "Islam" from her identity card, sparking wide debate on religious freedom in the country.
    Lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar who held a watching brief for the Bar Council in her case, recently received death threats for voicing his legal opinions on the issue.
    Shamala, a Hindu mother, is asking the court to declare that her two sons' conversion to Islam by her estranged Muslim convert husband Dr M. Jeyaganesh, is invalid. The case was adjourned in the Court of Appeal in July, pending the Federal Court's decision in the Lina Joy case.
    Zaid said that under Islamic teaching, if one is seen as having strayed from the true path, greater mercy and understanding should be accorded to him.
    "I thought we should show more mercy in cases like these? ... We should understand why they want to do that.
    "(But) no, you can't do that because you have power ... What's the problem in these so-called issues confronting ummah?"
    he asked.
    Zaid said Muslims should have more confidence in a religion which is heavily supported by the state.
    "We should be confident enough. There should be no fear. For God's sake, the civil court is not our enemy. Our judicial system has upheld the rule of law."
    He described his fellow parliamentarians as showing "stupidity" by arguing that the absence of rules on apostasy would open the floodgates to Muslims becoming apostates.
    "That's stupidity. Do we not give our religion more respect and recognition? Do we not shame ourselves by making such statements, and show that we have no confidence in the intrinsic worth of our religion?"
    Zaid said the government should explain religious issues to ordinary people to avoid misunderstanding and unnecessary tension.
    He also attributed the tensions that have arisen to politicians who use the religious card to gain political mileage.
    "No one (politicians) wants to explain religious issues because there's a political risk there ... It is easy to get instant recognition and support when you raise religious and racial issues."
    Zaid urged the government to maintain the integrity and purity of Islam by allowing discussion.
    Another speaker at the forum chaired by Suhakam commissioner Datuk Michael Yeoh was renowned Afghan-born scholar, Mohamad Hashim Kamali, a professor at the International Islamic University.
    Answering a question from the floor, Mohd Hashim said that if the purpose is to advocate good, non-Muslims should be allowed to discuss and question Islam.
    Noting that Islam has a long history of recognising other religions and that interfaith dialogue was thus Islamic in itself, he said Muslims should not monopolise and isolate the religion.
    Earlier in his speech on "Human Rights from an Islamic Perspective", Mohd Hashim said human rights elements are enshrined in Islamic holy texts, particularly the Quran.

    liyana>tak ke pelik dan sangat- sangat PELIK?? ... pelik sungguh..sungguh pelik.. pandai nyer dorg manipulate d issue.. perang pemikiran.. ohh sungguh hairan..

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ayat2 cinta

Ayat-ayat cinta dari ALLAH untuk hambaNYA

"Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?" (Quran 23:115):

“Tidak Aku (Allah) jadikan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mengabdikan diri kepada-Ku.” - Surah az-Zariyat: ayat 56.

"demi masa:. .:sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian:. .:kecuali yang beriman dan juga yang beramal soleh:. .:yang berpesan pada kebenaran:. .:yang berpesan pada kesabaran" (Alquran:Al-asr)

"ya tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku berkehendak kepada kebaikan yang engkau turunkan kepadaku.. (alqasas:24)

"Kenapa Aku Tak Dapat Apa Yg Aku Idam-Idamkan?"

"..dan boleh jadi kamu benci akan sesuatu, sedang ia lebih baik bagimu dan boleh jadi kamu kasihi sesuatu, sedang ia melarat kepadamu. Dan Allah mengetahui, tetapi kamu tiada mengetahui.." (albaqarah:216)

Kenapa Susah Sangat Ujian Ini?

"...dan ketahuilah, Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya..." (albaqarah:286) "...sesungguhnya disamping kesusahan bersamanya kemudahan... ...(ditegaskan sekali lagi) disamping kesusahan bersamanya kemudahan..." (alinsyirah:5&6)

"Do you really think that you will enter Paradise without such trials as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, 'When will come the Help of Allah?" Yes, certainly the Help of Allah is near!" [Quran 2:214]

Rasa Frust? Tension? Lemah Semangat?
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah org2 yg paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yg beriman." :. - Surah Al-Imran ayat 139

"adakah manusia mengira, bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan sahaja berkata 'kami telah beriman' tanpa mereka diuji:. .:dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji orang2 sblm mereka,Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta" (alankabut:2&3)

Bagaimana Harus Aku Menghadapinya?

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah- daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)"." (Surah Al-Imran ayat 200)

"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk" (Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45)

"Orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenang dengan mengingati Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah hati menjadi tenang." (Ar-Ra'd: 28) Apa Yang Aku Dapat Daripada Semua Ini?

"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dr org2 mu'min, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga utk mereka... (Surah At-Taubah ayat 111)

Kepada Siapa Aku Berharap?

"Cukuplah ! Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain drNya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal." (Surah At-Taubah ayat 129)

Arghhh Aku Tak Tahan!!! Aku Dah Bosan!!

"...dan jgnlah kamu berputus asa dr rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dr rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yg kafir." (Surah Yusuf ayat 12)

Adakah Aku Sudah Dikira Beriman?

"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji org2 yg sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui org2 yg benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui org2 yg dusta". (Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3)

Bukankah ALLAH itu DEKAT? =) bacalah selalu Ayat-Ayat Cinta dari-NYa... CintaiLah DIA dengan sepenuh jiwa...krn Cinta-Nya x pernah mengecewakan....

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